Safety Pro App, Manuals, & Training
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Reducing risk made easy…Its time to simplify to save time and money.
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The Propane Safety App
The Propane Safety App - increases your operational efficiency while eliminating critical safety related error rates by over 75% in days. Rated Best Safety App by WLPGA & VPE world competition.
On Apple & Android
Policies & Procedures
Eric Leskinen has written the latest Policies & Procedures Manuals used across the industry. Custom tailored to your operations for instant improvements in compliance, safety and risk mitigation.
Safety Pro Training
Propane Safety Pro’s Eric Leskinen is the top trainer in the nation, providing training in person or online classroom, so you can be in 100% Compliance immediately.
World’s Best Safety Solution - Field Documentation with Auto-Check & Auto-Reporting
The Propane Safety App in conjunction with Eric Leskinen’s Proprietary Safety System used across hundreds of propane companies enhances compliance immediately. The most complete and customizable software solution for safety and operations documentation such as Gas Check, Leak Check, Cathodic System Inspection, Meter Creep and Discharge Inspection, and reports. Utilizing the full power of Android and Apple devices to Auto Check all work while team members are on premise and instantly informing staff and management if critical follow up is required.
Live updates auto-sent from the field to the office eliminating wasted calls back and forth - Remote scheduling of work/training and auto reporting of all work & completed training to the office in saving over 30 minutes per day per employee. All work is Auto-Checked so any flagged work is instantly reported to the office for follow up. Remote or On Site training available based on field work requirements.
Award Winning digital software makes it easy for field personnel to fill out forms with simple drop down menus and voice to text. Photo capture, location capture and auto-checking software eliminate clerical errors and significantly reduce time needed by field and office personnel eliminating potential compliance issues and increases operational efficiency.
Discrepancy Report summaries with ability to instantly turn discrepancies into Service Work Orders and instantly dispatch them to field personnel for Easy 100% Compliance Management. See on a map any compliance hot spots for visual management and verification. Reports by employee and by office showing their performance and highlighting any training needs.